Kinesiotape, or KT tape, has become increasingly popular over the last few years, in both the rehab and sports realms. You have probably seen this tape on high level athletes at the Olympics! This tape differs from other medical tapes as it has an element of stretch to it, that allows people to maintain full range of motion and mobility while the tape is applied. KT tape has many benefits that your therapist may recommend to augment your physical therapy experience.
What is Kinesiotape?
Kinesiotape is a stretchy therapeutic tape that intends to increase microcirculation to the area on which it is applied by gently lifting the skin away from the underlying tissues which should create improvements in blood flow, drainage of swelling, and help to reduce pain. KT tape has many other therapeutic uses as well, depending on the application techniques your therapist employs. While kinesiotape can be an effective addition to your treatment plan with your therapist, and help reduce your pain, research tells us that it should not be used as a stand-alone treatment. Best results come from the use of KT tape in conjunction with exercise and strength training.
How can Kinesiotape help me?
Improved blood flow & swelling management: by creating increased space between layers of fascia under the skin, KT tape may promote improved fluid movement and lymphatic drainage. KT tape can promote directional fluid movement under the skin with targeted placement of the tape with stretch applied to move fluid towards specific lymph nodes using pressure gradients.
Improved kinesthetic awareness: When the tape is stretched across the skin, proprioceptive receptors are activated around the joint. Proprioception is the ability for your body to sense it’s position without looking at it, which allows you to move safely throughout your day. After an injury, your body may have difficulty with proprioception, which can result in you feeling unstable. Application techniques promoting improved awareness of joint position can promote improved movement and confidence in your joint stability. What makes KT tape different from other medical tape is the stretch factor that allows your joints to continue to move through full range of motion without restriction while still gaining the benefit of stability from its application.
Pain relief: The skin lift created by stretching the tape across the affected area may provide a decrease in activation of your pain receptors. The space created by the skin lift can reduce the sensitivity of these neuronal receptors, effectively reducing your overall pain experience.
Muscle regulation: Using up-regulation and down-regulation we can facilitate improved muscle activation. KT tape can help reduce activation in hyperactive muscles and facilitate better muscle contractions in weak, or under-active muscles, which can help you move your body with better mechanics and less pain. These techniques are especially helpful with lumbar spine and shoulder conditions.
Ask your physical therapist if KT tape could help you on your journey to feeling & moving your best!
Written by: Caroline Wright, PT, DPT
Synergy Physical Therapy & Wellness