Biofeedback is a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Assessment tool that is used to identify the patient’s strength, coordination, endurance, and tone of the pelvic floor musculature. It is performed using internal and/or external electrodes that are connected with a computer system that generates visual graphed feedback that provides complete information of the session. It can be used as not only an assessment tool to gauge progress and improvements, but also as a treatment method to provide visual feedback for optimal treatment enhancement. This is a tool that may be used each treatment session, or to the therapist’s discretion.
At Synergy, we always provide regular communication with the patient’s physician, and provide written explanations of the patient’s progress through use of Biofeedback. Communication of the biofeedback to the patient’s team of health care professionals allows all providers to have access to visual feedback of contractions/relaxations. These objective findings allow the patient and the medical professionals to gain full understanding of the pelvic floor musculature and its physiological state.